How do I add a Moderator to my account?

WePay account Administrators may invite as many Moderators to their payment account as desired. Moderators are members of the payment account with read-only access which grants them the ability to view transaction history and generate reports.

Moderators cannot take any action on the account, or request via WePay Support that any action be taken on behalf of the Account Administrator.

Moderators cannot :

🚫 Issue refunds

🚫 Request refunds be issued by WePay

🚫 Update settlement/banking information

🚫 Add Moderators to the account

Moderators can:

βœ… View transaction history

βœ… Generate reports

βœ… Reach out to WePay Support for general  transaction/account-related information


How can I add a Moderator?

If you are the Administrator on your WePay payment account, you may add as many Moderators to your account as necessary by following the steps below:

      1. Log in at 
      2. Click β€œSettings” on the left
      3. Click the β€œMembers” tab at the top
      4. Enter your email within the field next to "Add member"
      5. Enter the new email and click β€œInvite”


If you are unable to add a Moderator to your payment account or have any questions or concerns, you may reach out to WePay Support using the link below (Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 9:00PM EST): 

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