Why did a payment fail?

If you receive notification that a payment made to your WePay payment account has failed, this means we were unable to fully process the transaction.


In general, when submitting payment, WePay does require that the payer has correctly entered the following information:

      1. The exact name as it appears on the credit card
      2. Correct billing address
      3. An email address directly associated with the name on the card

If the payer is unsure if their information has been entered correctly, we advise the payer to reach out to their card-issuing bank before attempting to resubmit payment to your WePay account.


⚠️  In the event that you have made a payment to your own WePay account, please note that self payments and test payments to your own WePay account are prohibited via Section 7 - Prohibited Activities of our Terms of Service (Financial Services>Cash Advances).


Other reasons why a payment made to your WePay payment account may have failed:

      • The payer’s card-issuing bank declined the payment due to insufficient funds or other blocks on their account
      • Your WePay account setup is not complete, or your account has been deactivated
      • This payment violates our Terms of Service
      • Our Trust & Safety team needs additional information about you, your business, or the payer


If you have any questions regarding a failed payment, you may reach out to our support team using the link below (Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 9:00PM EST):



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