Documentation Needed Based on Chargeback Type

Credit not Processed

Credit Already Issued on Returned Merchandise or Service Cancellation

  • Documentation and date from when the credit was issued

Returned Merchandise or Service Cancellation Inconsistent with your Disclosed Return or Cancellation Policy

  • Documentation showing that the cardholder was aware of and agreed to your policy
    • Specifically, the cardholder’s signature must appear on a sales receipt or other document stating your return policy

Card Charged After Payment was Canceled

  • Signed contracts, agreements or terms of service
  • Refund policy
    • A screenshot displaying the policy as located on your website - please include the browser URL in the screenshot

Card Charged After Subscription was Canceled

  • Contract, Terms of Service and/or Refund Policy that states the terms of the subscription agreed to by the cardholder at the time of the transaction
    • Entire document must be made available to cardholder prior to checkout


Products not Delivered or Defective

Labor/Services not Delivered

  • Signed contracts, agreements or terms of service
  • Proof of the service rendered
  • Correspondence with the cardholder (emails, texts)

Shippable Merchandise not Delivered

  • Signed contracts, agreements or terms of service
  • Tracking numbers and/or delivery confirmation (sign into your carrier's website to supply full URL address information)
  • Correspondence with the cardholder specific to the delivery (emails, texts)

Digital Product not Delivered

  • Signed contracts, agreements or terms of service
  • Proof of digital receipt to cardholder’s e-mail address
  • Logins with the I.P. and access information
  • Correspondence with the cardholder (emails, texts)

Product/Service not as Described or Defective

  • Signed contracts, agreements or terms of service
  • Refund policy
    • A screenshot displaying the policy as located on your website - please include the browser URL in the screenshot
  • Itemized receipt
  • Proof of work, or detailed condition of product or service
  • Description of the item with an image of the item
    • The URL should be present if on a webpage while taking the screenshot
  • Available information on damage during shipment
  • Digital Services: Logins with the I.P. and access information
  • Correspondence with the cardholder (emails, texts)


Additional Chargeback Types

Charge not Recognized by Cardholder

  • Signed contracts, agreements or terms of service
  • Itemized Receipt
  • Correspondence with the cardholder (emails, texts)

Chargebacks Related to Donations

  • Correspondence with the cardholder (emails, texts)

Duplicate Billing

  • Separate receipts for each transaction
  • Proof that products/services from each transaction have been delivered
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