How do I reduce my chances of getting a chargeback altogether?
There are a few best practices you can implement to reduce the likelihood of receiving a chargeback:
- Deliver excellent service. Pride yourself on running on a business that prioritizes quality and customer experience. Furthermore, as refunds are less of hassle to deal with than chargebacks, we recommend highlighting ways a customer can contact you if they are unsatisfied with the product or service they received. Include your support team’s email address or 800 number, and make your refund policy simple and transparent. This will help ensure that customers choose the option that is less time-consuming and expensive. Another best practice is to consistently provide a summary of services, which is signed by the customer.
- Ensure you have a streamlined shipping process in place and always set appropriate expectations with your customers as to when they can expect full service or delivery. We also suggest keeping tracking numbers on all items that are shipped out.
For more best practices, click here.
What is WePay’s policy on chargeback volume?
WePay complies with card network rules on chargeback volume. Currently, the industry maximum chargeback rate is 1% of merchant monthly transactions. We monitor the chargeback rate for merchants, and provide alerts if a merchant is experiencing a particularly high chargeback volume.
For situations in which a merchant’s chargeback rate is elevated and does not decrease over time, WePay reserves the right to close the merchant account.